Design Phase
April, 2013 – April, 2014
The Design Phase (Phase II) began with the convening of the 4th National Reference Group in the project countries: Ghana, India, the Philippines and Zambia. These meetings were followed by extensive stakeholder interactions in the countries that helped in designing the National Advocacy Plans within the countries.
The aim of the Design Phase is to test the methodology developed in the Diagnostic Phase in key sub-sectors in the project countries. The outline of the methodology applied in the preparation of the Diagnostic Country Reports (DCRs) can be viewed in the document titled Framework for Competition Reforms Guidance Note.
The main output of the Design Phase would be the development of a general toolkit, entitled Framework for Competition Reforms Practitioner’s Guidebook , that documents the findings thus far in the project. Sector specific toolkits would be prepared in the last phase i.e. the validation phase of the project. The aim of the guidebook is to help the policymakers of the developing and least developed countries to undertake reforms in key sector vis- -vis competition