Diagnostic Phase
April, 2013 – April, 2014
The Diagnostic Phase (Phase I) of the CREW Project began with the Opening Meetings in the four project countries: Ghana, India, The Philippines and Zambia. These meetings were followed by Fact Finding Missions (FFM) that helped in better assessment of the country level regulatory environment.
This phase involves review of literature and experience to identify methodologies used to analyse impact of competition on consumers and producers/economy. Factors responsible for/ determining competition reforms in the two sectors would be identified and documented in country-specific Diagnostic Country Reports (DCR). Efforts would also be made to estimate how refining / addressing some of these factors can lead to better translation of benefits of competition reforms for consumers and producers.
The discussions during the FFMs led to the development of an ‘Outline for the DCR’. Nathan Associates developed a note, “Research Methods for the CREW Country Diagnostic Reports”, from the outline. This note defines the various methodologies that can be adopted by the partner organisations in the respective project countries.
The outline as well as the methodology note has been put up for review by the Project Advisory Committee.
In order to better understand the country specific scenario and adoption of a reasonably homogeneous methodology across the project countries, the methodology note was shared with the country specific partners. This was eventually presented in the First National Reference Group (NRG I) Meetings held across the four project countries during end of July 2013 to early August 2013
Developments in refining DCR methodology