- Preparatory Work: An internal document will be created to outline project objectives, activity areas and timelines, project requirements and evaluate relevant stakeholders in the value chain.
- Literature Review: Available literature on broadband services and consumer labels will be studied to understand key concepts, stakeholder opinions, legacy issues and current challenges of consumers in accessing broadband services in India.
- Stakeholder Deliberation: Identified value chain players and key stakeholders will be approached with initial findings that will be reviewed by them and suggestions will be incorporated to prepare a briefing paper.
- Briefing Paper: A well-researched briefing paper will discuss the concept of “labelling” across sectors and will establish the need and benefits for consumers. The paper will compare best practices in various other geographies and telecom markets on broadband labels. Underlining the current situation of broadband services in India (both rural and urban) and the level of awareness among the stakeholders about its quality, review of existing work on quality and accessibility issues pertaining to broadband services in India etc.
- Half-day Project Launch: The briefing paper will be launched in a half-day event that will have all relevant stakeholders from the value chain to deliberate the briefing paper findings and calling out issues and challenges in pursuit of consumer broadband labels in India.
- Project Advisory Committee (PAC): This group will be an exclusive body comprising of independent subject matter experts and individual who will guide the project team with their wisdom and knowledge to build the briefing paper into a full-fledged report. The PAC will also advise on future strategies to drive the project and reach a logical conclusion.
- Animated Documentary: In parallel to the above-mentioned activities, the project team will also work on preparing an animated documentary to spread consumer awareness via social and electronic media.
- Training Module: A training module will be designed to train relevant civil society organizations and consumer groups to spread the initiative across various Indian cities.
- Core Group Meeting: The core group would comprise of project partners who would give final touches to the animated documentary and training module.
- Training Workshops (5 cities) & Focused Group Discussions (10 cities): Training workshops in 5 cities and FGDs in 10 cities will be launched to involve various non-state actors in this project initiative. The training module and animated documentary will be used as tools to train the attendees.
- Project Summary/Dissemination: Based on all above activities, a project summary will be prepared and disseminated across all relevant platforms such social media, electronic media, etc. to inform to all state and non-state actors on the initiative findings. Their support and endorsement on key suggestions and recommendations will also be sought.
- National Seminar: The concluding activity would be a national seminar where all relevant state and non-state actors would participate in various sessions to deliberate on project findings, where a complete project report will also be launched.