Research Reports Economic Regulation


The report reviews the status of consumer participation in the regulatory reform process in the project countries. It concludes that most of the consumers are not satisfied with the existing complaint redressal mechanism as well as the quality of service available to them. Moreover, there is a need to conduct capacity building activities so that consumers become aware of their rights as well as responsibilities. This Report is useful not only for researchers but also for policy makers and regulators as it provides a comprehensive review of the status of reforms and consumer participation in select South Asian countries which could pave the way forward for future regulatory reforms for ensuring effective consumer participation.

Pp 91, #1003, Rs 350/US$30,
ISBN : 978-81-8257-132-7

For the Indian economy to achieve and sustain a high growth rate, creation of quality infrastructure is critical. It is estimated that India needs more than a trillion dollars of investment in infrastructure. This Report focuses on how such a regime can be developed by studying international experience in infrastructure regulation. It assumes, as its operating premise, the need for a regulatory framework to be transparent, consistent, effective and independent of the government.The report analyses and compares the institutional and governance aspects of regulatory frameworks in seven countries: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Philippines, South Africa, Sri Lanka and the UK. On the basis of this comparison, lessons are identified for India.

Pp 86, #1002, Rs 495/US$60,
ISBN : 978-81-8257-131-0


  • Politics Triumphs Economics? Political Economy and the Implementation of Competition Law and Regulation in Developing Countries (Volume I)

This research volume has been published under the ‘Competition, Regulation and Development Research Forum’ (CDRF) project. A wide range of issues have been captured in the research volume – for instance, the political economy underlying the implementation and enforcement of competition and regulatory laws and regimes, barriers posed by vested interests to the free and fair functioning of competition and regulatory regimes and the often choppy relationship between competition enforcement agencies and regulators attributable to functional overlap which often delays decisions and is, therefore, detrimental to the welfare of any country.

This book can be purchased at:
Hard Back Book: Pp 468, Rs 1195/US$69.95,
ISBN 13: 978-81-7188-725-5, 2009 Edition

This volume, second in the series, published under the ‘Competition, Regulation and Development Research Forum’ (CDRF) project is compilation of nine papers which were presented at the symposium marking the culmination of the research efforts of the 1st research cycle of CDRF. The research papers covered the experiences of a wide range of developing countries as seen mainly through the eyes of developing country authors. Importantly, rigorous analytical techniques were used to draw generalisable policy implications, which were later on also communicated to a vast and heterogeneous audience of stakeholders in a simplified form through policy briefs and online forums.

  • Creating Regulators is not the End, Key is the Regulatory Process

The study reviews the regulatory environment existing in select developing countries in Asia and Africa. The seven countries surveyed – India, Indonesia, Vietnam and Cambodia (in Asia); and South Africa, Kenya and Zambia (in Africa) – have experienced regulation in different ways due to variations in their economies and stages of political development. The report takes stock of the evidence from select developing countries in Asia and Africa, in order to reach out to the governments in similar countries and show them the way forward in implementation of a sound regulatory regime.

This book can be purchased at:
Hard Back Book: Pp 352, Rs 995/US$50,
ISBN: 978-81-8387-342-6

This volume, second in the series published under the project, “India Competition and Regulation Report – ICRR project”, explores issues relating to sector regulation pertaining to power, ports, higher education, agricultural markets and civil aviation besides dealing with the issue of ‘quality of regulation’. The report goes much beyond depicting the state of the world in the select sectors and tries to pinpoint the institutional and other root causes of sector regulation. The report is an important contribution towards enriching the available literature in the public domain and encourages a dialogue to promote a healthy and competitive environment as evolving an appropriate regulatory culture is always a learning curve
Pp 192, #0902, Rs 395/US$50, ISBN: 978-81-8257-130-3


The research volume has been published under project, “India Competition and Regulation Report – ICRR project”. The report takes stock of the progress on the competition scenario in India and offers an insight on where we are and where we need to go. As part of the report, detailed sectoral studies of telecommunications, electricity and two social sectors, such as education and health, helps to illustrate the need for flexibility not just in analysis and also in implementation. One of the unique features of the report is an assessment of perception in the country though an competition perception index. The basic aim of the report is to encourage debate and dialogue on the economics of competition and regulation policy in India.

Pp 252, #0715, Rs 285/US$25, ISBN: 978-81-8257-091-7