Dr C Rangarajan, Chairman, Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister of India
Pierre Jacquet, President, Global Development Network
Pradeep S Mehta, Secretary General, CUTS
Should Growth Policy be Blind to Equity? Should Competition Law/Policy be Blind to Equity? The Debate
Is Competition Compatible with Equity?
Le Monde, France, June 26, 2013
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Some Reflections
…issue of competition policy and concerns of equity…it is not necessary that all the instruments of economic policy must try to achieve the twin goals of efficiency and equity. Some instruments may emphasise efficiency and some others equity.
C Rangarajan
Chairman, Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister of India
There is a large area in which efficiency is unknowable, and equity can be served consistent with efficiency; also that competition law is properly applied against certain power and its exercise and not just for some notion of efficiency; and that these rules of law can be as clear and knowable as rules based on a standard that nothing is illegal if it is not.
Eleanor Fox
Walter J. Derenberg Professor of Trade Regulation New York University School of Law, New York, USA
Economic growth is a good thing, but it is not the only good thing. Especially if we accept the great likelihood that people in general have a declining marginal utility of income, the importance of considering whether we might purchase a bit more equality at the expense of a bit more growth, becomes clear.
Russell Pittman
Director of Economic Research & International Technical Assistance Economic Analysis Group, Department of Justice, USA
An integrated approach to development is critical and should be the way forward for this century…However, while the socio-economic impact of multilateral enterprises may have far-reaching consequences on less developed economies, the integrated approach must be part and parcel of any investment and/or economic strategy of any commercial enterprise…this is a noteworthy statement: Growth cannot be chased at the cost of equity.
Thulasoni Kaira
CEO & Secretary Competition Authority, Botswana
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