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Press Room
Collusive Behaviour in Health Delivery in India: Need for Effective Regulation
Project Launch Meeting
July 06, 2010, New Delhi, India
July 06, 2010, New Delhi
CUTS with the support of Oxfam India has recently launched a project entitled, ‘Collusive Behaviour in Health Delivery in India: Need for Effective Regulation’. This initiative was launched through a interactive meeting held at the India International Centre, New Delhi, on July 06, 2010.
The main objective of this meeting was to identify a group of key stakeholders and gather their views on possible ways of addressing collusive behaviour in healthcare delivery in India – through a combination of appropriate regulatory intervention and consumer action. Healthcare remains in a dismal state across the country – specially in remote areas of India, and needs to be made accessible, affordable and of permissible standard.
A number of key action points were identified over the course of the meeting, which CUTS would need to incorporate in its implementation strategy to be able to achieve the goal of purging deceptive and collusive practices in healthcare delivery sector in India. A platform was seen emerging from the discourse which would help healthcare specialists, regulators, consumer activists and business community come together and identify lasting solutions.
- Backgrounder
- Agenda
- Press Release
- In Media
- Background and Draft Project Methodology – Siddhartha Mitra, Director (Research), CUTS
- Legal and regulatory instruments to address collusive practice in healthcare delivery – Yogesh Pai, Asst. Prof of Law, National Law University, Jodhpur
- Collusive Behaviour, Medicines and Access –S.Srinivasan, LOCOST, Baroda, India
- Access to Healthcare: Challenges and Solutions –Krishnakumar Sankaranarayanan, Managing Consultant, Consulting, PricewaterhouseCoopers
For further information, please contact:
Vikash Batham
CUTS Centre for Competition, Investment & Economic Regulation (C-CIER)
D-218, Bhaskar Marg, Bani Park, Jaipur 302 016, India
Ph: +91.141.2282821, +91 9460707005
Fax: +91.141.2282733, +91.141.2282485
Email: c-cier@cuts.org; vb@cuts.org