

C-CIER is known for its consistent and sustained advocacy efforts. Almost every research project C-CIER implements has a strong inbuilt advocacy component, which helps in ensuring that research outcomes actually create an impact on policy formulation/implementation.

The Centre adopts a multi-stakeholder approach to facilitate composite dialogues amongst the policy community, academia,

civil society, media etc.

One of its major initiatives: International Network of Civil Society Organisation on Competition (INCSOC) was formed to feed in research outcomes to policy community, academia, civil society etc around the world. (

C-CIER has been represented in all major global events on competition and regulation including those organised by the International Competition Network (ICN), OECD, WTO, UNCTAD, World Bank etc.

Publication and dissemination of Policy Briefs, Discussion Papers, Briefing Papers etc is a regular activity and C-CIER also publishes two newsletters: ReguLetter, PolicyWatch.

The Centre has organised hundreds of advocacy and training seminars with participation from around the world and manages several e-discussion forums.

In India

The Centre facilitated formation of Parliamentarians’ Forum on Economic Policy Issues (PARFORE), which has membership cutting across political ideologies.

The PARFORE helps Indian parliamentarians to comprehend economic policy issues and hence enables an informed debate inside the Parliament.

‘Bill Blow Ups’ are also published and distributed amongst all Indian Parliamentarians. A typical Bill Blow Up is concise analytical commentary on legislation being considered by the Parliament with suggestions on improving the draft bill. Representation before the Parliamentary Standing Committees on related subjects is a regular activity of C-CIER.

The Centre made significant contributions in drafting of the new Competition Act, 2002 of India and commented on drafts of the Electricity Act 2003.

C-CIER has a proven track record of pursuing advocacy with competition and regulatory agencies in India on a range of issues and is presently involved in the process of drafting a Competition Policy for India.