September, 06, 2018, New Delhi
The Justice B.N. Srikrishna Committee recently submitted its report and the draft Personal Data Protection Bill. While we all involve ourselves in the process of analysing the recommendations, and develop our own understanding on the issues therein, CUTS sought to engage in a constructive exchange of ideas with the relevant stakeholder groups including industry, bureaucracy, academia and policy makers, lawyers and consumer organisations. To this end, CUTS organised a roundtable on Consumer Sovereignty in times of Data Localisation on September 6, 2018 at New Delhi.
The underlying idea of the roundtable was to discuss and discern the contemporary challenges and benefits hinged to the issue of data localisation and safeguarding consumer welfare in the backdrop of recent developments in the realm of data privacy & protection. While the issue of data localisation has gained much traction from the business viability perspective, the objective of the roundtable was to discuss the often neglected consumer welfare aspect and further take a step ahead and deliberate upon the possible outcomes- how will we balance the interests of all the stakeholders, if data localisation is mandated; and if not, what are the alternatives to the current data localization regime proposed, if any, in light of adjoining issues like the law enforcement access.
- Agenda
- List of Participants
- Press Release
- Presentation
- Event Report
- Let Indian users decide on data localisation: Experts
- CUTS International organises roundtable entitled Consumer Sovereignty in times of Data Localisation