Advisory Group Meeting

Business Responsibility Guidelines for Pharmaceutical Sector in India

New Delhi, October 30, 2014

Consumer Unity & Trust Society (CUTS), with support from the Indian Institute for Corporate Affairs (IICA) and Deutsche GesellschaftfürInternationaleZusammenarbeit (GIZ) Business Responsibility Initiative is developing sector specific guidelines based on the National Voluntary Guidelines (NVGs) on Social, Environmental & Economic Responsibilities of Business for the pharmaceutical sector of India. The overarching objective of drafting the pharmaceutical sector guidelines is to mainstream the NVGs into the pharmaceutical sector in order to help businesses understand, adopt and implement them so as to enable the pharmaceutical industry to grow more competent and resilient by maximising benefits, and minimizing risks, and contributing to the national development goals. The process will be stakeholder led and the guidelines would be developed with guidance of pharmaceutical business associations, government bodies and expert advisors.

In this context, the an Advisory Group meeting was organized with the objective of sharing the outcomes of the preliminary analysis done to identify the critical Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) aspects for the sector.

What’s New

Brochure National Voluntary Guidelines for the Pharmaceutical Sector


IICA-GIZ Business Responsibility Initiative