CUTS has conducted a baseline consumer survey to derive a comprehensive and updated status of awareness in consumer groups & several other stakeholders on the issues related to demand side management and renewable energy. Thus, the objective of the final consumer survey is to gauge the level of enhancement in understanding and awareness of relevant stakeholders such as civil society organisations (CSOs), industrial units, government organisations, commercial establishments, farmers and household consumers etc, on issues pertaining to RE and DSM and the scope for their engagement in the policy process, as imparted through project meetings and interactions. The sample size of 350 stakeholders would be surveyed and the data analysed in two states of India i.e. Gujarat & West Bengal.
The survey would be administered based on a structured questionnaire with support of local CSOs & state partners. The questionnaire was developed on the basis of our experience from baseline consumer survey and taking inputs from project partners, project advisory committee members, state reference group etc.
Before the commencement of the survey, both the state partners will organise a training workshop with the surveyors, local partners etc. in order to orient them with the questionnaire and the necessary survey tools, monitoring & evaluation etc. State partners including the project implementation team would also be present from time to time in the districts to monitor the survey. Analysis of the survey data would be compared with the data of the baseline consumer survey and the analysis would be captured in the form of a state level paper in the final report.
- Survey Questionnaire ( English | Bengali (Grid) | Bengali (Off Grid) | Gujarati
- The Factsheet Consumer Survey Report of Gujarat