What’s New
- Final Conference
- Bringing Competition Concerns in West Africa to the attention of the International Community
- PRATIQUES ANTICONCURRENTIELLES: une étude du Cres engage la responsaliilité de l’Etat du Sénégal
- Pour réglementer la concurrence en Afrique de l’Ouest
Constituency Building for Competition Reforms in West Africa
August 06-07, 2010,Dakar, Senegal
In Media
Geneva, Novemlier 12, 2010
Info Eco Finance, Senegal, August 08, 2010
Regional Training Workshop on Competition Law Enforcement (Anglophone countries)
January 13-15, 2010, Abuja, Nigeria
Followed by a successful three day training workshop on competition law enforcement for francophone countries, CUTS organised a another three day training workshop on the above-mentioned subject for the Anglophone countries in Abuja, capital of Nigeria, from 13 to 15 January. Representatives from various competition authorities, government agencies and selected civil society organisations participated in this regional training workshop. Training on various issues of competition have been given by various experts and practitioners. The training combined both theoretical and in-hand lessons which helped the participants to understand and analyse competition cases. Around 20-25 participants from The Gambia, Ghana, Nigeria and Sierra Leone participated in this three day training workshop in order to develop their skills on competition issues to better enforce their national competition legislations.
- Agenda
- Presentation & Papers
- In Media
- Proceedings
- Glimpses