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Post message:
“Competition and Regulation in India, 2007” Report
Some Reflections on the Report “Competition & Regulation in India, 2007”
Status of Competition and Regulation in India, 2007
(Briefing Paper No.3/2007)
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Some Reflection on the Report
“Competition & Regulation in India, 2007”
This is indeed a timely addition to an important subject and I do hope the Government and other relevant authorities will take a close look to what is contained within this report. I look forward to going through it myself.
Vikram S. Mehta
Chairman, The Shell Group of Companies in India
I would commend CUTS, under your visionary leadership, for producing such a detailed, comprehensive and high quality report on the state of play and the way forward in competition and regulation in India. This is in line with the pioneering and solid work which CUTS has undertaken in this area, which is of importance for India and indeed for all countries, particularly developing countries.
Please rest assured that UNCTAD, with its quest for ways to manage the impact of globalisation in an equitable and pro-development manner, will find much to refer to in this book in undertaking its own work in this area.
Lakshmi Puri
Acting Deputy Secretary-General, UNCTAD and Director, Division on International Trade in Goods and Services, and Commodities (DITC)
This report reminds the government of its commitments in the area of competition and regulation and highlights aspects that remain unaddressed. One of the most significant sections of the report is entitled ‘How does competition policy ensure pro-poor development?’ This is arguably one of the most pressing issues that we face, domestically and internationally. The report aptly summarises that competition law and policy is not a luxury of the developed world, but an indispensable tool for developing countries in their fight against poverty.
The report outlines the prima facie agenda towards economic freedom which includes adopting a National Competition Policy by March 2008, establishing and operationalising a Competition Council by July 2008, and other steps including implementing regulatory reforms and competition rules. I am sure that this report will prove to be a useful document for both the polity and bureaucracy of the country. This work of scholarship needs to be applauded.
Sunil Arora
Principal Secretary To Chief Minister
Government of Rajasthan