National Advocacy Seminar on “Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) in India: Need and Importance”
March 27, 2015, New Delhi (India)
CUTS Centre for Competition, Investment & Economic Regulation (CUTS CCIER) along with CUTS Institute for Regulation and Competition (CIRC) with the support from British High Commission organised a national advocacy seminar on “Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA): Need and Importance”
The purpose of the advocacy seminar was to sensitise the participants regarding the need and benefits of applying to existing and proposed regulations in developing countries, discuss mechanisms to institutionalise RIA in India, and disseminate the findings of the CUTS project .
What’s New
- Seminar on “Integrating Regulatory Impact Assessment in law-making in India”
April 21, 2016, New Delhi - “Brochure-Promoting Regulatory Impact Assessment for Better Regulation”
- Regulatory Impact Assessment in Coal Sector in India
- Seminar on Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA)
October 30, 2015, Jaipur (India)